Believe. Faith. Love. When they are alive, HE is alive.

Posts tagged ‘healing’

My Savior Saves

Praise Lord!
Declared Brain Dead But Resurrected On The Third Day:Lawyer Suzanne Chin is convinced that what happened to her four years ago is nothing short of a miracle.

The mother of two was living and working in Hong Kong when she suffered a heart attack, was hospitalized in a coma and declared brain dead..

Doctors said a valve in her heart had been severely damaged, she was neurologically lifeless & there was no point in keeping her alive – he, her husband should take her off life support..

Specialists told her husband she suffered from Brain Stem Death & that there was ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE OF RECOVERY.


During her coma, she recounted:

“I saw myself lying on a bed unable to move or speak. A man appeared on my side & I felt something sinister about him. He told me that if I wanted to move or speak, all I would have to do was to follow him. I demanded that he leave me alone, but he would not. I PRAYED without ceasing..

After a while, he faded away..This vision repeated several times, but on what appeared to be the last occasion, the man started to get angry. He threatened to ‘take’ my daughter if I refused to ‘follow’ him. Again, I was resolute & unyielding, telling him he had no power over me as I was a child of God.

It was at that moment I woke up from my coma to see my husband John.

Skeptics told me it could be just a dream but what’s amazing is that this happened at a time when I had been pronounced brain dead medically.

Not one doctor who treated me in hospital or subsequently any specialists that I have seen since, either in HK or in SG, has been able to account for the speed of my recovery or that I was able to come back from that hopeless position at all.

If one looks at it rationally & logically, there is no explanation for what happened. I truly believe that this was a miracle from God & that I have been blessed a second chance.”

Ms Chin & her hubby said that while both are Christians, neither was committed or active in church at the time. (*not anymore right? Can u imagine? Even with ‘half-baked-faith’, she still had help from an intercessor….)

..her brother, Dr Alan Chin, a fervent Christian who flew to HK, & prayed with John.

Dr Chin said: My medical training told me there was no hope, but my faith in God said that there was hope in Jesus Christ.

John recalled mounting pressure from the medical staff treating his wife to ‘put Suzanne – & his family – out of misery by switching off machines that were keeping her alive. Even when she made an occasional twitch, they quashed his hopes by insisting that it was purely a reflex. Their talk always returned to ‘saying goodbye’ & ‘letting go’…

Suzanne: Without my family’s Faith…I would not be here today…


That Faith belongs to God..

Well Jesus…You did it again..& again…& again..& again….& again ..& again…!!!!!

Any speculation that this is purely coincidental is a weak argument..

Praise Him, Love Him & Fervently Hold on to Him:)

Amen & Amen….

** I did not write the article above. I am sharing it because i am so touched by God’s love. Original source Here.

I have a friend, he believes that only Medical Science can heal a sick person. He will probably go “you know how amazing is the human body? You never know how it can recover itself, it is def not God”

There will of cos be debates. But i choose to believe it is a Miracle. At least, it is what the patient been tru and believes. It is a situation whereby medical science couldnt account or prove anything.

I am not in Denial, i just trust my Savior.

Vdates March

V-dates   IMG_20130324_1 Hi! It is rare that i blog on a Sat. But i am doing it today anyway.

Well, i should be running now but looking at the time, i hesitated. TBH, i dont usually care about timing when it comes to jogging as long as it is night and dark. No sunlight please. I am used to running at night, 12mn, 3am? No diff to me.
But i have been receiving warnings and advises from various people, warning me and super against me from running at such hrs.I appreciate the concern, really. But i love running in the dark, quiet and peaceful.

However, tonight, something inside me tell me to listen to the advises and not run. It is however, 2am now.
Call me timid but i am super cautious about my well being recently, you know, besides having tons of dreams that i havent achieve, i am also very concern about my loved ones.

I do not want anything to happen to me and cause any sadness to my loved ones.
Thus i am staying in tonight and hopefully do some stretching and crunches tomorrow.

First and foremost, Vdates simply means Valencia Updates in short- a record of my past weeks events and whatnot.
I am sweating like madness now, the weather is crazy now and i am sweating even when i am stationary at home, sitting on a crouch. Can you imagine the pain. ARGH. Ok, typing till this part, i can no longer endure the warmth as it is killing me and i hate to blog in such condition.

There is no A/C in the living room and i have to run to my  bedroom for A/C.
I do not really like doing much in my bedroom except for sleeping and watching online movies- something that doesnt require me to use my brain. Thus i shall continue tmr or Mon. I cant take the heat, so…sorry! no updates till then! Will be back^

Sunday evening 9pm….

Hi, i am back but i doubt i can finish this post.
Just finished 3 hrs packing  my wardrobe.
It is not that i have plenty of clothes, ok maybe i have but most of them are impulse buys and some are old  and the fact that it is super messy doesnt help.
I am so lethargic now and the weather is CRAZY since yesterday. It is so warm and humid.

Slept at 5+ am this morning, watched a Chinese show call ” Together” starring Kai Ko (that dude in the TW school show), Michelle Chen (that gal in the same TW school show), Angelababy (omg, she is super super pretty) and the Ip Man guy….oh Donnie Yen.

It was a terrible show. Besides eye candies, there is ntg much to watch. After regretting, i dl Resident Evil- Retribution. I knew i make the right choice but it was already 4+am and i watched a little before drifting to sleep.

I love the feeling of drifting to sleep, super tired kinda feeling rather than rolling on bed, ‘waiting for the right time’ to fall asleep :/

Btw, i have done repairing my lappy at $60. It is cheap, yes, but it is still money.
Others might not get it, like W, he thought it was really cheap and that i am still ‘whinning’ about $60.
But it is still money to me and i am saving money for 1 big plan of my life, thus i dont really appreciate when that kinda “y u so stingy attitude” surfaces.

It is also true that my fren used to reformat my comp for free in e past…but well, since i am there (sim lim) already…might as well just get it done.

Nevertheless, i thank W and his friend for the good deal & finally, after weeks, i am relieved that i am able to return W’s lappy to him.

I dont really want to have the indebted feeling, and i feel i am obliged to have, in this whole ‘borrowing and asking for reference for repairing saga/incident/situation’

Anyway, i am a grateful person, i will thank you with the bottom of my sincere heart. But i dont really like the feeling if the person who help me EXPECT me to keep saying thank u, keeping sucking up and etc. I really dont like it that way.

Shrugs. Anyway, I am really clueless with typing out all the happenings, i shall post pictures and let pictures and captions do the talkings. It is easier for me that way, and clearer for you people too!

Oh, the Star Awards advert on tv (constantly) is kinda irritating me (perhaps you too). LOL.

Sis is baking coffee cake and cookies now, cant smell any better…WEEEEEE

IMG_20130318_6 Pardon the cheesy ‘Sunnies’ effect. My eyes were looking like -_-  Just wana share the picture of this cropped top/blazer. It is nice 🙂 by Bows & Feathers IMG_20130320_2


IMG_20130320_4 Super ugly first pic, more swollen lids pictures…My lids were swollen and reason is unknown. Took MC to rest at home and the right lid is now still a little swollen. Sadness but i like the part which the swell makes the eyes bigger. Sick but still, the lids r too thick and i can see how i might look if i ever ‘enlarge’ my eyes. Thus no cosmetic surgery for me ever. #haha IMG_20130322_2   Still swollen…

IMG_20130319_9 IMG_20130319_2 IMG_20130319_3 Did Scaling and polishing to remove nasty stains. Am i happy? Absolutely.
Perhaps i am saving for Teeth Whitening too!
Thank God i stopped committing myself to Smoking, never gona  get those nasty smoke stains ever again.
I do not have before and after pictures because i simply cant be bothered and i 4gt to take the ‘Before’ pics but just imagining it alone can be rather disturbing already.
The Pics above are not filtered.
yeap, scaling and polishing can make the teeth looks so much better already, imagine Whitening.. IMG_20130321_194601   My prayer this month is with Chris and her Dad, i sincerely pray for Mr Wong to get well and i am praying here a bold prayer. I know i have a couple of believer friends reading this blog, may i request for your prayers for Mr Wong, who is currently very ill. He small intestine is bleeding internally and if he doesnt go for the ops, he might be in huge danger. If he does, it might be worse as he is already very old. Please keep him in prayers.






Work in progress… IMG_20130321_201345   After visiting Chris and her Dad at TTSH, i went over to Gary’s clinic. Yes, Gary has opened his own clinic this March. I didnt help much, except for some simple chores, and i am still guilty of not going over ytd to help him with reception works. I knew i was in trouble when i couldnt sleep the night before 😦 Sorry Gary!

Yea, his clinic is relatively new and thus he needs more help. Though his clinic is new, he has rich experience in treating body aches, and guiding you to keeping fit. You may also read more of him at

IMG_20130322_003816   And we hang out a little, Seven,Gary me at Wendys for their awesome ice cream cones after a pint over at Harry’s

IMG_20130323_7   IMG_20130323_25




IMG_20130323_21 Visited gf.

Walked the dog, watched a horror movie – the old Exorcist (very old school) Drank Moscato. Ate Hotdogs. Ate Mc breaky.
Super slack and i anticipate myself to be over often. #haha

There are Belle (black Labrador), Toro (White Maltese), Miko (Mongrel). Noshii was not in that night. IMG_20130323_20 I was his bed for the night IMG_20130323_19I IMG_20130323_18



















  Also, i would like to ask…If you are looking to adopt a dog. You may consider Belle.

She is a 7 yr old Labrador. Her previous owner abandoned her heartlessly and look at the pic, she is apparently rather hurt and traumatized by that heartless woman.
If you are sure you can love this lovely doggie till she pass on, please pm me.
Belle is currently staying with Cel, and Cel has 3 dogs excluding Belle and she can barely handle all of them anymore.

Despite knowing that she will miss Belle dearly, she has no choice but to give Belle up for adoption as her friend (that heartless owner) will most probably put Belle to sleep should Belle goes back to her.

Belle is gentle, not violent, and unfortunately, she has skin disease (but she is ok under the right care). 575323_10151385346963721_1459245805_n   IMG_20130322_020549Sis (or Mum) bought these. Love ’em! IMG_20130324_055938 IMG_20130324_061650 Yea, i watched this half way and looking forward to finishing it.

IMG_20130323_231645   Dialect Worship album by City Harvest’s Dialect church. The album is sold out and they are reprinting. The gospel songs are awesome. Got it for Mum and really thankful to CHC’s Dialect church for the efforts. IMG_20130323_183551 Really thankful for this as it speaks  directly to what i am fearing/feeling that day. 🙂 Thank God, Thank Chuch.

IMG_20130324_212538[1] Sis baking coffee cake. Her first attempt, i just need to eat. Haha.
However, she kinda  failed this time. The cake tasted like pudding. But the cookies are superb! 😀




IMG_20130323_182115   A Beautiful reminder. #Faith

So, i did quite alot of stuff over the week. Busy Busy and i am still delaying dinners and outing. Sorry!

Is good to be busy but i wish i have more than 24hrs. Who doesnt? Till the next Vdates~


Loves` God Bless

p/s i was wrong, i managed to finish this post. gtg, Mon is looking at me frm a short distance. ARGH!