Believe. Faith. Love. When they are alive, HE is alive.

Archive for July, 2013

My new crayon! REVLON Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain

500x375px-LL-730785e1_Revlon-Just-Bitten-Kissable-Balm-Stain-15Images credits:

Facebook and its woes 1

Most of the time, as long as you are a real human being, and you possessed a Facebook account, you will encounter countless people who will give you different experiences.

I do not wish to comment on what people put on their status as i am not sure who hates my status anyway.
But i got to say that i really am frustrated at the numerous EMO status from the same old few.
You know who you are, you tell everyone how he doesnt love you, how sad you are because he doesnt love you, how feverish you feel because he doesnt love you and how sore your throat is because he doesnt love you.


Of course, you do get a few random pokes from the Buayas (Malay for “crocodile”. Means “lothario” or wolf, i.e. sleazy pick-up artist. May also be used as a verb) and  these people usually ‘poked’ and add random women online, for whatever purposes i do not wish to know.

No doubt, Facebook is a social media platform for making friends other than being an advertising medium. I totally agree with that and although i dislike the idea of adding or approving strangers online, it is technically faultless to do that.

The list can go on and on for the various encounters 1 might have on Facebook, like if you have stalkers who stalk and poke, it is inevitable that you will also have haters too.

More on the various types of examples and i promise i will list them out someday.

Today, i just want to post about this weirdo who added me recently, out of the blue. I do not know him and please see below:



I asked him if i have met him because i am super super lousy at remembering people and their faces/names. I reckon he is from the same church as the mutual friends we have are all church goers. Apparently this dude is indeed  from church as he has confirmed in his message.

There are so many people in the church and as you might have already knew, i attend City Harvest Church. Yes, i noted about the scandal, i noted about the recent video made of Pastor Kong Hee. However, i am keeping my comments and thoughts to myself for all that. Hope to seek your kind respect because i go to church for God and not the news and Pastors, thus i emphasize that this post is  nothing about the scandals.

So, back to what i was saying, i am a super blur sotong and many deem it as being insincere, cant help it. Despite that, i try my best to remember people.
Anyway, as  what you have read, and i am lazy to repeat since the printscreens made it super clear already, this guy added me out of nothing when he is already married.

Before i get bashed for being sensitive and all, i admit that i am really a sensitive individual but i really sincerely do not think that a married man or woman should add random opposite sex online to make friends. I dont see  the need  to. I wish i can explain why but frankly, there is no such need to explain why.

It is simply weird  to do that.

If you are saying that makign friends over Facebook is common, especially with the opposite sex, can i also question the agenda for that? Why must it be the opposite sex? Why not the same sex? If i am not the first woman this duded added, then why would he add multiple women online?

Which wife or husband will like that idea of it?

Sure, we are from the same church, you can add me up and talk about God, but why do that when we already have our own Cell Group to do that? Again, why must 1 add the opposite sex to talk about God (if that is the real agenda)?

So, you might argue that he might hv added the opposite sex too, Fair enough but i STILL feel that that is enough, he can stop at  that. There is no reason to add up the opposite sex because of various reasons and 1 of which is –  that can cause potential misunderstandings.

However, i feel that if the both parties genuinely know each other, it is fine and perfectly normal to add up each other. But not as strangers online. Gross.

He is apparently quite ‘famous’ since he went on the stage and spoke about his testimonial to how many people? 10k? (estimately 5k of people per service, Sat and Sun services)

If i did not remember wrongly, he and his wife really behaved like a loving pair of couple on stage, Well, i am not anyone to judge about others’ marriages but i do hope that if ever i am married, my husband wouldnt behave so intimately with me and on the other hand, adding random unknown strangers of the opposite sex online.

Again, i might be too sensitive but i feel this action is uncalled for.

To my dismay, this is not the first time that a married church goer added me online. The other time, it was worse because that dude would msg me in the middle of the night. What’s worse is, the rest of the church goers actually asked me not to judge that dude. I was like WHAT THE?!!

But anw, this is not about church or not, i am just disappointed that a Christian would do this, i mean, as i said, i might be too sensitive and all but it is really uncalled for (married men adding random female online and make friends)
Religion aside, there are plenty of married men (or women) trying their luck, doing the same or worse things behind  their partners. It is just so  common nowadays.

I am in no position to judge but clearly, i am disturbed. Hopefully, these people will reflect someday and think of their partners before doing anything that is totally uncalled for.

As for this man, he has deleted his request to be my friend on Facebook and officially blocked me off. Another uncalled for action and i really cant be bothered why.

P/s i am  totally aware that many will see  this post as i am flaunting about how many strangers adding me up, or see me as a sensitive prick that want to complain about anything and everything. Seriously, whatever. I feel that anyone and everyone will experience such crap and nobody dare to speak up most of the time. I happened to feel like speaking up because even my gf is disgusted by the amount of desperados adding her up randomly.
We noted that this is what FB is all about but i guess not everyone will add any stranger just like that.

There is this famous blogger that i happen to know, not exactly friend but more of acquaintance, who happened to be my friend’s ex gf. She added everyone and anyone and despite being super nonchalant, my friend still couldnt help feeling disgusted at his own gf for doing that for fame. True enough, she succeeded, and she managed to build up a darn healthy image. But, deep inside us, the people who knew her, we feel super MEH about her ‘fame’ and the ‘unintended famous tactic’ (oh i didnt plan to be famous, i just want to be friendly to my fans).

Oh whatever.

The last time i approved strangers requests was for work and since i have left the company, those tt are still in my list are genuine acquaintances while the strangers and the more buaya ones are gone.
Actually this part of self explanation is not needed but i thought i will just make myself clear about how irritating it can be, by adding random strangers sometimes.

Despite that FB is social friendly.

Really, Whatever.

Vote for me! – Noshii

Hi everybody!

Today my little friend here needs a little favour from you!

I shall let him do the talking since he is the 1  that needs help.


“Hi! My name is Noshii! I am nominated as the Most Gorgeous Pet 2013! If you think i am up to it, please help to vote  for me and let me clinch the title!
Let me do a little introduction, i am currently staying with my Mummy and 3 other friends, Miko, Toro and Belden. I would love to think that Mummy loves me the most but i am not allowed to say that because the other 3 will get jealous. Oh well…

Mummy’s friends adore me too, they always pinch and hug me whenever they see me, whether i like it or not. I know, it is not that easy being handsome.

Besides being good looking, i am also a very loyal individual. I love my ball and i love to eat. I love to snuggle and i love attention (that explains why i am in this contest).
If you want to find out more about me, please vote for me! I will tell you more about myself once i receive more votes!

Til then, see ya!”

You may take a look at my other pictures:



453361993182look, that is me and my model friend Miko. She wanted to take part too but Valencia JIEJIE is abit confused on how to enter 2 dogs at 1 go leh.


To vote for Noshii, please go to this link:

Lookout for Noshii’s picture and Click vote.

Thank you so much!

Vdates End Jul ’13


It has been sometime since the last update. As i get busier, i tend to forget most of what happened. Thus Vdates are gradually full of pictures.

I am back to work today after taking off for yesterday. Cant help feeling extremely Tired and Sleepy.

In fact, i am dozing off while typing this. Had fun during the Staycation with my Family for Mum’s Birthie (more on that again) and now, i m missing every moment of it, even the bickering sessions. Oh God, bring me back to 2 days ago. 😦

Alright, that is so not happening, thus i will start and end briefly on the updates.

Went to the famous E-commerce shop MDS collections’ physical shop last week at Raffles Chevron to collect 1 of the tops i bought.
It was the Orange top that i posted for sale previously, it is sold already anyway.

Frankly, i always have the impression that MDS is making it big and all but i did not particularly like shopping with them since sometime back. Firstly, i have to admit that the pricing does not really justify the quality. No offence but there are many other shops selling nicer items, of nicer quality out there. Even if is not nicer, there are definitely items that can be compared.

mdslogosquared_2Image credits :

However, i wouldnt mind to shop with them once in a blue moon if only the attitude and services of their staff is better and nicer than what i experienced recently.

I knew all along that their service is not extremely good but i brushed myself off and told myself that it is ok as long as i get what i wanted.
But the last experience i had last week at Raffles Chevron convinced me otherwise.

Well, i am not here to judge nor to sabotage anybody or any shop. If you read this blog regularly, you would have known that i like to share my experiences. Whether it is a simple skincare review or a hair cut experience, i will share the good and bad.

Also, i will make no reservations in sharing my Personal views/opinions and experiences with all Honesty. For eg. I wouldnt filter any pictures in my skincare reviews because i always believe that a real and sincere review does not requires that though many others prefer looking at fake pictures with cutesy stickers.

Thus after all the justification i made for myself, i am writing how dissatisfied i am towards MDS collections. Yes i know that the shop is making it big, if not they wouldnt have physical shops besides their e-commerce shop. Of course , i am also aware that they have been around for sometime.

However, what irks me is how arrogant the brand starts to get, after they make it big.

I couldnt really remember the incidents in the past and thus i am letting it go. I will just mention the last experience from last week.
The moment i entered the shop, there was no greeting of any sort but i am fine because i aint a sucker for such attention. It is also fine that the sales person allow us to wander around on our own as i prefer that to the frustrating aggressive promoters.

I guess what really frustrated me was  during my payment for my item. I took out my receipt to collect my item, as i made payment online previously.
I was being the usual me, saying Hi with a smile and i told the lady at the cashier that i am making my collection.

She did not even look at me and she took the receipt from me. She then signaled to her colleague and her colleague came over and searched for my item in their cupboard. To be honest, i was already pissed at that because the very basic of a business is courtesy and well mannered service and that includes eye contact and a simple Hi.

However, there was Zero interaction, no smiles and no greetings from the MDS staff.

Thereafter, the colleague threw my bag of item on the table and walked off. I signed to acknowledged the item and throughout the whole procedure, there was nothing said. After collecting the item, i said  Thanks and was expecting at least a nod.

And you probably knew what happened, both ladies working in the shop turned their back towards me and there wasnt even a simple “THANKS”

INSTEAD, as a customer, i have to thank them for attending to me. 

Honestly, this turned me off big time, but I thought it was because i was wearing like crap that day and thus the hostile treatment.
Because as you might already knew, if you wear like crap and you try entering big names like “CHAN**”, “PRAD*” or” LOUIS Something” in places like HK or even here in SG, you might be despised and the sales person might not entertain you nor serve you.

I thought that is really bad because good service is simply NOT like that.  But anyway, we are talking about MDS here, a local home grown successful brand, that has yet to become another Chanel.

Thus i hang around for awhile more to observe if  the arrogant sales persons entertain the other ladies who were better dressed. To my dismay, NOPE. They were not being served. Even the ones paying at the counter experienced what i experienced. Well, i am not sure about others, maybe there are people who are not as anal as i am when it comes to service, thus they are fine but for myself, i do not compromise to such quality of service.

There are countless e-commerce shops in Sg and overseas. There are bigger names around that provides excellent services. Frankly, i used  to shop with Love Bonito before they were so big, before they are known as Love Bonito. They were Bonito Chico previously and i used to shop with them frequently back then. The pricing were more justifiable back then but as they revamped and all, i personally find  that their designs changed (more common and less attractive) and the quality of their clothes are not as good as what was raved about by many many people. Thus i really do not find it as worthwhile to get apparels from them now. Of course, this is my personal opinion.

However, i still buy a few items from them now and then because honestly, there are still nice stuff to look at, their service has never drop despite anything. Their services and attitude towards customers are still comparable to the past which they first started and that is really a relief to consumers like us.

Look, i am not a stuck up princess that needs alot of TLC when it comes to shopping. I basically just hope for the basic needs of manners to be met. I have zero tolerance for bad service because for every cent i pay, i am paying not only for the item  but also the services. It is also very disgusting to encounter rude services from big names that are giving hostile services now after they have gained the fame and ‘status’.

Thus after saying so much, i regrettably confirmed that i will never shop with MDS collections again.

I honestly forgot about the previous incidents, if i am not wrong, it should be some email inquiries i made which were replied in unfriendly manners previously. However, for this incident, even if anyone were to argue that it is not fair to judge since it is only a one time event, i am still not gonna visit the shop again. I think that if 1 out of 2 sales persons in the shop  is rude, we can excuse the fact that every1 has bad mood now and then. But no, if the entire shop is ill mannered, it has something to do with its management. Its management has to make sure that their staff are properly trained because these people represent their Brand and  they are the most important people as they are the front line warriors, making interactions and building r/s with customers.

Of course, having said that, they might not be bothered as only 1 customer made such statements now (assuming there isnt anymore anal feedbacks other than me)
But i dont really care what action they will (or will not) take because i have said my piece and made a decision anyway.

This post is still on my updates but since i mentioned about shopping, might as well just include this part.

And so, i sold the top i got anyway because it didnt fit my chest at all. Terrible. I actually like the top very much but too bad, it didnt fit me.

Went to get brows threading done with my baby Sis on Fri and we both love our new brows now!  Not particularly in love with the Thick Korean brows but we wanted something more natural and of course, the straighter ones. We are satisfied and thank you Strip for the good services!

IMG_20130719_200924Brows before- Not too bad, but can be better!
Picture taken 2 weeks back? Treated Sis n Mum to Dinner for my humble pay increment. 

74044_10153029324505276_584360655_nAfter, i think looks better but barely noticeable though 😡

Visited gf on Sat with buns from  Barcook (that famous bakery and i will probably review on it soon because they have really nice buns!) Finally, i get to play with the babies. Oh man, i miss them already!

IMG_20130728_1That is Toro baby. 

Our lunch, fol.

Then I hang around and we watched some lame shows, went to get Ramly burger for dinner at Paya Lebar and then i head home to watch movie with Mum.
The next day, we went for our staycation and that will come in my next post.

IMG_20130728_13I love this picture so much! Big Thanks to gf and Chris for helping us so much, and thank you so much for the marvelous Fruit tart!


IMG_20130730_11Noshii sweetie!













IMG_20130730_12My Fav, Miko

Please check out their vid on my Insta!


IMG_20130721_185819Went to Dr Robi‘s session at Heart of God Church.
My 1st time to the church, It is relatively smaller than CHC and the members are younger.
However, as much as i am not used to it, the presence of God is strong.
Praise the Lord!
It was a wonderful experience and thank you HOG for inviting Dr Robi.

Find out more about Dr Robi HERE. He is awesome and you will love all his messages!

999076_518546634880762_832431974_nActually, there will always be people around you that do not believe in you.

This morning, my friend was asking me why is it that i appear slimmer in a pic and from the tone,
i can tell it is a doubt and not a question.
To be honest, i replied my friend and also would love to say, i did not edit the picture.
I lost some flabs because i have been working hard in the Gym.
Moreover, that picture was really taken in a better angle.

Sometimes, people doubt you because they themselves can never put in effort in doing what you are doing.
Thus it makes them feel better by doubting you and putting you down, in the hope that your are really like them.

You do not have to care about  those doubts, you know you are not like what they make you to be.
For me, i just know it.
I know my efforts are not wasted.




Mum and Sis cooked Laksa and it taste wonderful. 
Really blessed! 😛


IMG_20130724_1957131 of the pictures i took and i like very much.
During my break after 30mins on the cycle machine. 

Alright, for now, i pray for you guys (and myslf) a good week ahead!
Below are some of my loves, i am playing them on repeat mode now.

Ok, as you can see, they are soundtracks of Wong Kar Wai’s Days of being Wild and Happy Together. 
My fav movies, and thus my fav OTs!


IMG_20130722_204627I like this picture #LeslieCheung

Everyone should be accepted. Yes, even Gays.


I am utterly disappointed once again, with fellow human beings.

Frankly, i am filled with anguish as i type this. I am also tearing while i do this. I do not know how these people can throw stones at others like as if they have the right  to.
I can imagine how sad the lost feels, the gay who confess his fear, his sadness, his extreme depressed soul got tempted to give up his life due to these judgmental comments coming from the ‘Pharisees’ of this era.

I do hope that these ‘Pharisees’  are not believers because i feel really sad seeing their hate messages towards others. If they are believers,  y and how can they say such things? Did they not remember what did Jesus say about acceptance and love?

I thought we have the same God in us, then how is it they can hurt and condemn others without hesitating, without love?

Why should condemnation exist?

I am pasting some printscreens and i am blogging about this because these people used God’s name to judge others.
I am not speaking on behalf of Jesus, but from what i was taught, all people are equal in His eyes, gays or not gays, murderers or not murderers.

We only have to speak the truth. It is indeed written that same sex should not be involved sexually. Well, that is a truth and i will not deny what is written, There are alot more commandments and we were told of no fornication and look at how many people in the world engages in sexual r/s before marriage? Look at the amount of lies from different people, look at the greed of people.

I am not saying we should all sin, i am saying that we sin differently. If we were to judge others, the judging will never stop. I repeat, IT WILL NEVER STOP.

You dont judge others just because they sin differently from you, Aaron Says So and Fan Bonk KeeShame on you 2 that cant let go and keep judging as if you both are perfect. Moreover, who are you to give the verdict of sinning? Who are you?
Having said that, i still do not want to keep labelling Gays as sinners, i said before and i say again, all of us human beings ARE sinners.

Aaron Say So ·  Top Commenter · National University of Singapore
(Wonderul education qualification, but i am sad that education actually makes one stupid sometimes)

this Valencia Lesley is saying we all have to respect thieves and robbers, because Jesus is loving. 
So what if Jesus is loving? It is written, “brush off the dust from your scandals”. 
– Right, you TOO should be brushed off because you are behaving worse than thief and robber by robbing and stealing respect for the human kinds.
Brush off the dust? Yah, dont just quote part of a verse or scripture from a bible and take words out of context, you want to talk about bible, here is a verse for you –

Matthew 7:1-3 King James Version (KJV)

7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

And he mentioned:
inside the pub, gay “a” who just get to know gay “b” for a few minutes, was rubbing his private part on gay “b” ‘s leg. gay “b” cheekily looks at the camera and says “he is rubbing me”. Come on, what is this? Is sex the only thing in a gay mind? I’m a man and I love woman, can I go around rubbing my private part on strangers? That gay inside the video even proudly declare he had over 50 sex partners. What over 50 sex partners? where is the humanity? Aren’t gay supposed to be faithful to one another? I’m sure if I walk into any gay pubs, most of the gays will be delighted to entertain me and hopefully have sex with me. Come on, think carefully, are you comfortable to have these gays mixing with your children? 
If you have to insist that gays are philandering, it just goes to show how ignorant you are. I can give you a list of places to go, to see how straight men and women behave too.
Maybe you were at those places before too, or perhaps you should try going sammyboy forum to find out how some straight people behave. Alternatively, go to any club and you might be lucky enough to catch some action going on.
Whats with the youtube link? You want to post links, i can give u 1482482334 links of how SOME straight people behaves in different clubs all over the world.Cmon, dont say such thing as Gays should be loyal and faithful to earn respect. EVERYONE SHOULD BE faithful.The raising divorce rate of the normal couples, do we judge that and say because divorce rate is high, we shouldnt get married?
Please do not suggest such silly bullshit about adultery, it might happen to anyone and it might be you or me or any other straight person. Hope you are a virgin or that you only sleep with 1 person in your entire life. Clapclap*
Lastly, you would rather spend time helping the poor? You have to choose who to help? Is that genuine love? Then i would choose to help who i want to help in the future and declare proudly to others that i am so helpful because i help the poor, and only the poor. While on the other hand, i type furiously behind the keyboard and judge the gays and secretly want them to die.
BRAVO. That is SO KIND of you. Maybe you can also come up with a list of people you would want to help and check off the ones that you personally detest which Jesus loves. Please do not argue with me on this because even when we deny Jesus, HE still chooses to love us. This is a fact, HE doesnt choose who to help and who not to help? Hello? If you want solid Truth from the bible since you love quoting, here it is, TRUTH, you like TRUTH right, you get it:

1 John 4:10

New International Version (NIV)

10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

1 John 4:19 New International Version (NIV)

19 We love because he first loved us.

And despite that you keep saying/judging  that the gays reject God and all, too bad but God still loves them.

Ephesians 2:8 

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

As for you, do you think you abide in God? I would love to think you DO NOT, but i let God do the judging. But by seeing the verses and WHAT IT IS WRITTEN, i really feel you do not know God. For God is love and if you do not love, you do not know Him.

1 John 4:16 

So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us.
God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

1 John 4:7-21

New International Version (NIV)

God’s Love and Ours

7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of Godand knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

13 This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

19 We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.

THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE, PERFECT LOVE CAST OUT ALL FEAR. By writing all those scary judgmental stuff, you are creating fear and i dont know how you can do that in the name of God. Put it simply, if Jesus is here today, He wouldnt do what you are doing.


Please understand that you and i are human, we are not supposed to judge madly about whoever’s sexual preference is, and etc. We can tell them what is written and stop at there, afterall, it is their choice and God gives us freedom of choice, Who are you to force your choice on others?
Lastly, i dont think so, nope. Please dont be so narcissitic to that extent, what makes you think any gay would want to make out with you.
Take a look in the mirror before saying things so loudly and proudly, i almost thought that sentence came from Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.
I know you are super in love in yourself, good for you.
And yes, i am comfortable with my kids mixing with nice people, Gays or not.
I wud b worry if my kids mix with the philandering straight people too.
It is all about the character of the individual and i will never categorize anyone as BAD or UNFAITHFUL just because of their sexual preference.
It is 2 diff thing. I would be worried if my kid mixes ard with a mean judgmental person, like yourself.
And who knows how much porno you MIGHT watch. Opps, did i just judge lik you did, i am sorry if i did.
Anyway, my name is Valencia, not “THIS Valencia”, i do not add any silly nick infront or behind my name. Whereas you seem to deem everything you said as Truth because YOU SAY SO and you have to  insist in your name, i doubt anything else can go into your judgmental one sided brain. So, WHATEVER, if You Say So.





I am STILL insisting that Gays are human beings and we ALL have human rights as long as we are human beings. We should ALL be respected.
I am seeing this world as a whole not because i am perfect, i am not perfect. I still cant hold my anger towards people sometimes, i get jealous at times too. I am not flawless and nobody is. Thus instead of being self righteous and judge others, i rather believe that everyone is the same, despite status nor monetary value. We come as dust, we leave as dust. Here i am talking about respect for all human kinds. We need respect, every individual.
I wanted to delete this blogpost and i actually wrote this days ago, i was still thinking if i should publish this as this topic is so subjective and debatable,
It is not worth the time and effort as this problem will never go as long as i dont know when. But i really cant contain it within myself and see these people ‘bullying’ the Gays, I personally dont think anyone has the rights to do that.
I was being reprimanded and lectured by many many people the other time i stood up to speak up for the Gays. Most of the times, i was told that i am a Christian, i need to represent God and be strict with what is in the Bible.
I do not know if i am going against God, but i have acknowledged that it is written that individuals of the same sex should not be involved. I am not painting a nice picture and being a hypocrite like what Fan Bonk Kee was suggesting above. I know what is written. I know they are laws.
I Love my Belief, i Love God and i really really respect what was taught to me.
BUT it is also a fact that Jesus accepts all kinds of people. He doesnt discriminate and condemns. He told us what is good for us, and He leave the choice to us. I still believe that and i believe He loves us despite any situation.
I know this post will anger alot of people and i know it will definitely offend a group of Christians. I am sorry. I cant be self righteous for this matter, i cant blame nor point fingers to blame Gays. If you cant accept me or this post, too bad.
I cant stress enough on how SOME Christians turn very self righteous as time goes by. They feel that they are God, they forbid any freedom of choice and speech. I wouldnt wish to be like that.
Besides, we are supposed to learn to accept, i am still learning hard. If we do not accept, who will? God want us to accept, to love, to help,
By shutting people you dislike and detest out, how will they ever know who God is? Isnt that too rigid? Jesus does not only mixes with the good, instead, He mixes with the saddest, worst people.
Again, i emphasize, i am in no way saying Gays are saddest  or worst people. I have always been seeing everyone as human being, not an object categorized by his or her sexual preference.
And frankly, if you ask me if i will want my kids to be Gays or Lesbians? My answer is No. I am not being hypocrite, i just cant bear to see my son or daughter get bullied in future. The society now does not recognise human rights, there are too many people judging. I worry for their well being,
And yes, i would rather they are straight because that is what is deemed as ‘normal’ in this society, and fine, i admit that my belief says so too.
But i am sure i will still love my children very much because they are my children and nothing changes that fact. Same as God, we are His children, i will never believe  that HE will hate us because of the choice we made.
I will accept and respect my kids no matter what.

Just to add, i have known more gay couples that still stay together after so long, faithfully standing by each other than the normal straight couples. Let just say. out of 10 gay couples i known, 8 of them are still loving each other faithfully while outta 10 straight couples that i know, only 2 or 3 of them are married and the rest either split up or ended up in adultery.


Of course, this statistic is based on my own circle of friends, you can argue that i might have lousy unfaithful friends, well, whatever. I have nothing to say to that. But i am not suggesting that gays are more faithful than straights. I just want to point out the fact that not gays are as philandering as what

“aaron says so” said. (damn, i really feel silly typing out that name)
I think i have said enough. You may dislike this post, but seriously, i dont care. If you want to judge me and this post, you have to do a reality check on your own life first. Pray for God to change your thinking before thinking of changing mine.

And in the meantime, i hope whoever that are affected by all the hurting comments, to be strong and wise to filter out what is not needed.



Everyone is same but different, everyone deserves to be loved and accepted. Dont feel any smaller or inferior.

Remember this,

You are wonderfully made by the Creator

I really do not agree with condoning the behavior of the 2 judgmental writers above.
I have zero tolerance towards a cyber bully, or bullies in general.

Thus i really see  the need of doing this.

It is up to you to judge me. But whatever it is, bullies should not be hidden behind the screen, they should be publicized.

“Self righteousness is not love, and is not from God.
Stop that hatred for gays, you judge not and leave it to God.
Dont talk laws to me for i am aware, but Jesus taught us about Acceptance, Grace and Love.
– Valencia Lesley

SOLD – Brand New MDS Martini Cobweb Top for sale at $17 , Original price at $48



Brand New MDS Martini Cobweb Top for sale at $17
Original price at $48, price tag is still on.

Brand Tag is still on, packed in original packaging.
Reason of letting go: it cannot fit my chest area
Never worn before but tried before.
Never wash before

Length (Medium): 25″
Pit-to-pit (Medium): 16″
Colour: Orange

Featuring top with a triple strap V-neck design to the front, cut-away shoulders, a stitched panel down centre front and a concealed zip closure to the side. Made of polyester crepe.

*personal opinion: not suitable and not encouraged for ladies of cupsize C (and above) for chest

Pm me @ if interested or leave a comment below

Hada Labo Perfect Gel (3 in 1 Ultra Hydrating Gel) Review by Valencia Lesley

Sponsored Review 


Today i have got good news for all ladies!
Remember the previous blogposts about the much raved about Hada Labo products?
(read the last post HERE)

Well, i am back for more!

This time round, i am very honoured and i cant be more excited and thrilled when i receive the Hada Labo Perfect Gel from Hada Labo. Thank you Hada Labo, it is my utmost pleasure to do this review, am i honored!

Let me confess, i can’t wait to try out this new product from Hada Labo because i have absolute confidence in their products ever since i started with the first bottle of Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion.


Please read my previous post about the “Miracle Water” that i have never regret trying 6months ago! HERE

Ok, back to the new product of Hada Labo – the  Hada Labo Perfect Gel.

It came in a cutesy bag and there is a very cute Panda Eye Mask inside, neat!

Gotta admit, the size of the tub is the  first thing i  noticed about the  Hada Labo Perfect Gel. It is a rather big tub.
Something worth mentioning, the Panda Eye Mask is not only cute, it also aids the quality of your sleep 😀 I reckon that it will be my best companion when i am travelling ( i love using eyemask on planes while i nap).


It is actually a tub of 3 in 1 Ultra Hydrating Gel and it works as an

Sleeping Mask and

It can also be used as a sleeping mask to INSTANTLY REPAIR DEHYDRATED SKIN!

Sounds Like a Steal!!!

Haha. I mean, if you read my blog regularly, you would have already knew how lazy i am when it comes to skincare.
Sounds really bad but i cant deny how i totally dread remembering the different steps and the different ‘functions’ of different products!


Perfect Gel (3 in 1 Ultra Hydrating Gel)
for 24 Hours Deep Hydration

images (1)

Fyi, it is also the No. 1 “All-in-1” Gel in Japan. Just to add on,  i personally trust Skincare products from Japan and Korean compared to the European brands. No offence to any other products but i always feel that only Asians will know more of what Asians really need. A little bias here, but i always feel that though you do not need to be an Asian to know what Asians need, it is always better if you are one, isnt it?

zzzz ok never mind.


Below is the mandatory information for the product, you may skip reading it but i reckon is good to know what you are buying and applying on your face. Bear with the lengthy paragraphs!

Description of Product:

Sleep is the time when the body repairs itself.
During these optimal seven to nine hours of sleep, the body is rested both physically and mentally from a day’s activities.
As such, many hair, face and body products are most effective overnight as the body absorbs it better.

Hada Labo introduces the new Hada Labo Perfect Gel to replenish the skin’s moisture while you sleep.
Being all essence, cream and mask at once (3-in-1), the Hada Labo Perfect Gel is also suitable for daily use with the ability to provide 24 hours deep moisturizing effect with its five main ingredients.

If you are keen to know what is inside the tub, here you go:

3 Types of Hyaluronic Acid for deep and long-lasting moisturization:
1.  Hyaluronic Acid is able to hold 6l of water per gram, providing intense moisture to the skin when applied.
2. Super Hyaluronic Acid is able to hold 2X as much water than Hyaluronic Acid per gram, providing maximum moisturization.
3. Nano Hyaluronic Acid is able to penetrate deep into the skin, providing long lasting and deep moisture to the skin.
4. As the body’s collagen levels decline, the skin starts to age with wrinkles, large pores and poor skin clarity. The Hada Labo Perfect Gel contains collagen to provide firm, elastic and wrinkle-free skin.
5. Skin that lacks ceramide is often dry,irritated, and often easily affected by the sun and dust in air. Hada Labo Perfect Gel help to hold and repair the surface skin cells together for a healthy, smooth skin.
Size: 80g
 Price: $35.90 
Ok, enough of the mandatory introduction, descriptions and photos, now the real deal.
I will use photos to do the talking, it is alot better than reading.
All the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ pictures below are NON-EDITED and NON-FILTERED to show how the skin really look like( unless stated).
As you can see, as much as i am very happy with my skin condition now, my skin is still not flawless as there is minimal pigmentation problem, which i am fine as it is not causing me much misery anyway.

For the start, i shall post 2 pictures for comparison, before and after i used the Hada Labo Prefect Gel.

Here is my Daily Routine and this time round, Hada Labo Prefect Gel is included!

1) Make up on, after a day at work.
2) Removing Make up using Hada Labo Makeup remover
3) & 4) Cleansing with Hada Labo Facial Wash
5) After Cleansing
6) Ready to try out the new Hada Labo Perfect Gel!
First, i apply the Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion:
According to the sequence of the pictures, I apply 2 drops of the Hada Labo  SHA Hydrating Lotion all over my face.
Then, the Hada Labo Perfect Gel!


I usually apply either the Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Cream or the  Hada Labo’s Retinol Lifting + Firming Cream after the Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion.
This time round, i put on the Hada Labo Perfect Gel, all over the face and neck.
The Hada Labo Perfect Gel has a rich cream texture that is non-sticky, allowing the skin to feel light even after applying. It is also free from alcohol, colorant, fragrance and mineral oil.
Ideal for those who prefer more lightweight textured moisturisers without compromising on the level of hydration.
This is how i look after applying all over the face and neck, as you can see, it is non greasy nor sticky:

My face feels EXTREMELY hydrated after applying the Hada Labo Perfect Gel, i guess it is because the Hada Labo Perfect Gel also works as a deep moisturizing mask.
Instantly, my skin feel juicy and bouncy, which i guess is because of the Collagen in it!
I cant wait to feel the skin in the morning! 😛
Usually, i will be very afraid that the cream i apply will go wasted during the time i am sleeping because sometimes, before the minerals even have time to sink into the skin, everything goes into the pillow case.
However, i am very thankful that i do not have to face this problem for Hada Labo products, the skin absorbs (the products) very quickly and for the Hada Labo Perfect Gel, it is no exception!
I am guessing that it is due to the Nano Hyaluronic Acid in it,  it is the smallest molecule Hyaluronic Acid and it can penetrate into the deepest layers of skin.
The Next Morning (before cleansing):
The next Morning, my skin still feels very hydrated and bouncy, as you see in the pictures above, the skin is still very much nourished by whatever i applied the night before. Amazing!
After Cleansing:
As you can see, the skin looks so tender and soft, it feels so too! My face seems like it has some powder or foundation on but trust me, it is naked and bare with NOTHING on! Hurhur. Of  course, that is also why you can see the pigmentation problem and freckles 😦
My skin was already at it’s best condition before i started using the Hada Labo Perfect Gel.
After using it, i feel even better about my bare skin and i can totally head out without slapping on any foundation nor bb cream.
 I dont know if it is me but my face feels refreshed and the gel has a icy cooling effect when it is applied (i did not put the tub in the fridge, duh)
The result is instant, juicy& bouncy skin is achieved upon waking up, i am impressed and i will continue using this product to get the maximum results it might bring.
Pictures below are taken with and without make up, during these 4 days of using Hada Labo Perfect Gel.
IMG_20130721_2No make up on, before going to the Gym.
IMG_20130721_4 No make up on. before bed.
After Gym with only eyeliner.
With Make up on (eyeliner+bb cream)
*above pictures are all non edited & non filtered.
To add on to the review, i have to emphasize that applying make up is much much easier as the skin is so smooth and everything just goes on perfectly. Wee~
IMG_20130720_39this picture is filtered and sharpened

Now, i am very sure that Hada Labo Perfect Gel will be added to my list of other Hada Labo Products that i am already using!
For more information on Hada Labo Perfect Gel or updates on Hada Labo new products, do visit Hada Labo Facebook and website!
Hada Labo Perfect Gel can be bought at Watsons, Guardian and SASA at a retail price of S$35.90.

Special thanks to  Hada Labo Singapore, EK MEDIA PTE LTD & Elfaine.

The Legendary Leslie Cheung

Friends and readers know how much i adore this piece of Art.

I refer him to an Artpiece because he is simply perfect, as if his life is painted like a masterpiece.

Having said that, he is also flawed. I just didnt know how one can be so beautiful despite the flaws of insecurity, fear and sadness.

Once again, I cant stress enough on how talented he is and how much i would love to see him in person.

But that is really impossible and all i can do now, is to remember him in my own ways.

A Tribute to Leslie Cheung, once again.








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Specially selected this group of photos over Google. Hope you like them as much as i do.

Decision collides with Faith and it turns into a Belief


Today is the most hated day of the week.

Sometimes i wonder why is Monday sucha poor thing.

It takes on all the hatred and blames just because for most of us, it is our job that sucks.


I am so wanting to change this,  so wanting to  do things i wana do in my own timing and then perhaps, Monday will no longer be blue ever.

But it is not easy. 

I heard alot of msg of Faith and Courage but i still cant help fearing.

I wonder if i can do it and for now, i dont even know how to go about it.

But i believe no matter what, My God is with me.

And HE is gona unfold page by page.

And if my plan is aligned with His, He will bless me and do the impossible while i take care of the possibles.

Please guide me as i take each tiny step.


Skin Regime for the Lazy you! Featuring HADA LABO

Before anything, i would like to emphasize that this post is NON SPONSORED nor an Advertorial.

ccHello everybirdy! Happy TGIF`

I waited ages for this day, i guess it is what every 9 – 5 office worker feels when the day has finally arrived. It is like the Holy day of the week. Precious and Magnificent. HAHA. 夸张

Alright. I am excited for Friday because it means i can wake up the next day anytime i want, without having to growl at the alarm clock.
It is also a day i spend more time on my face. Yes, you read it right. I am not super committed and religious when it comes to taking care of my skin thus Friday is like the ritual day for my face, with all the masks. Friday allows me to spend a little more time to be vain.


I do realise that age is catching up and all the more i should take care of my face (and neck) to prevent lines and etc.
But i am just too lazy. Perhaps i am a little more  blessed, because my skin has all along been quite ok. It is definitely not perfect, but i really thank God that i do not have to face major problems. Again, i say this with thanks and not arrogance.
No offence to anyone, really, i might not have pimples and acne’s issues but my skin can be really sensitive and dry.

There was this time which i bought a mask at $2 at Guardian and overnight, my face went beyond recognition. I hope you have forgotten about this but it is like a scar in me, the phobia stays and since then, i promise myself that i will NEVER risk my skin to any new and foreign products ever again, especially cheap ones that promise to deliver, they never do.

Look HERE.


And a Collage of Comparison of the skin before and after the cheapo mask:


For myself, i have NEVER used any products except for a normal face cleanser since puberty till approximately 6 months ago.
If you have to know, that is around 13 years. 13 years of JUST CLEANSING and nothing else. Not to say Facial, i think i only went once.
I used to just grab any cleanser that is on the shelf, bought by the Mother and cleanse twice a day (morning and night) and thats it.

Ok, honestly, I have never taken interest in any facial products, trust me, i find it a hassle to apply these stuff on the face. The real hassle gotta be the steps to applying them. Like, toner before moisturizer and all that stuff. Oh man, i am a man trapped in a woman’s body. I really cudnt be bothered to.

Like what i mentioned earlier in 1 of the previous blog posts, approximately 6 months ago, i was introduced to this popular Japanese product call HADA LABO.

I was just casually mentioning to my Sister that my face is so dry i can feel it is cracking from the tightness and dryness. Sister went to grab a bottle of the HADA LABO lotion and asked me to try. She said that she is trying other products at the moment and thus she rather i use the bottle than wasting it.

And you shall read the rest HERE, HERE &  HERE. I shant bore you  guys by repeating the whole story. Also, please only scroll to the part which i talk about my face, showing the pictures of bare faces. These are long posts which included other stuffs. Of course, if you are keen to read the other miscellaneous stuff, go ahead!

Ok, anyway, today’s post is to update about my skin after this 5 to 6 months of using HADA LABO. I guess i need to dedicate a blog post to the brand, or my face. Also, i feel the need to have a “conclusion post” after these months! Oh my.

oggiano1_905Every woman dreams of having shiny & glowy flawless skin.

Right, my face now is at its BEST condition. It cant be better! ok it might be better but i cant rave enough about how satisfied i am now at its current stage.
As i mentioned, my face was swollen and flaky and was totally beyond recognition around 2 months ago because of the cheap mask.
img-20130502-wa0000 Taken the very next morning after using the damn mask.
Read HERE.

The silky smooth texture was gone overnight and whatever HADA LABO did for me previously, was gone in a night due to that cheap mask.
I was so worried and i totally went bonkas and was so depressed. I even started finding aesthetic doctors for help.

However, i did not go to any doctor because most of my friends were advising me to be patient and that the situation will be over. I did see a GP.
I applied some anti-itch cream and that is all.
Then, i continued with using my HADA LABO lotion, Moisturizing Cream and the Face Firming Cream. I use their Hydrating Face Wash twice daily.

You cant imagine my happiness when my skin returned to its original form after a week, silky smooth and tender soft.  I really thought i ought to give thanks!

IMG_20130527_202640Taken when the skin recovered back then, no edit/no filter.

Just to share with you guys on the list of my Skin Regime. It might not be the best for everyone, but i think it works well for me.
The best part is, it is hassle free and i do not have to remember the sequence of applying different stuff.

1)  HADA LABO Hydrating Face WashHADA LABO SHA Hydrating Lotion

20100811-hada-labo-face-wash-n-lotionI use the HADA LABO Hydrating Face Wash twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
Same goes to the HADA LABO SHA Hydrating Lotion.
I usually use thrice a day (of the both) if i am working out in the gym that day.
I can never tolerate not bathing after working out and thus i have to wash every part of myself every time i finish a workout.

The HADA LABO Hydrating Face Wash is a steal. Let me assure you. I bought the 1st tube of HADA LABO Hydrating Face Wash on 3rd Feb 2013 and till date, i still have not finish using it! It has served me for ….ok it is July now, so it has served me for 6months.
I am NOT KIDDING. It indeed is that worthwhile!

I cant remember the exact price but i remember it is around $12. If you are wondering why would i remember the date i bought it, reason is because i bought it on the same day i celebrated my Sister’s bday, her Bday is on 7th and we celebrated in advance and i happen to rem  that it is 3rd Feb!

Amazing isnt it! I don’t know how but a very small amount of it can lather so much foam and it makes the skin feels extremely refreshed after using! So imagine, $12 over a period of 6 months, each month, you are investing only $2 for your face wash.


As for the HADA LABO SHA Hydrating Lotion, it is as good as a Toner. I previously do not know what a Toner does anyway, i called up to ask the HADA LABO consultant.
This bottle of Miracle water, like what i mentioned previously, is so so so much better than (the other brand) the much rave about ‘Miracle water’ that is alot more expensive.
I dont know about others, but it didnt really work for me.
Thus i am sticking to HADA LABO SHA Hydrating Lotion and i doubt i will be changing because it has improved my skin tremendously in this 6months.
I NO LONGER have that flaky problem, i DO NOT HAVE to convince myself that i have to “change skin” monthly.
Crazy right, i actually convince myself in e past that the flaky problem is because i have to change new skin. I can b a retard sometimes.

The toner is watery and it has a  gel-like texture that really quenches your skin’s thirst. Unlike other toners that might dry your skin, this works just the opposite. Skin feels EXTREMELY hydrated and ever since i started using this, i cant stress enough about how soft and tender it makes my skin feels, it makes putting on make up EXTREMELY easier too.

Indeed, it really locks up an ocean with a drop! I usually use 2 tiny drops.



IMG_20130719_2Pictures taken under normal light, no make up, no filter nor edit

Because i really love the 2, i actually called up HADA LABO to find out more about  their other products. I was  recommended to use the HADA LABO SHA Hydrating Cream since i complain of dry skin.

Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Cream 2

2) HADA LABO SHA Hydrating Cream. I use this instead of the Hydrating Milk because i was told that the Milk is more suitable for oily skin and since my skin belongs to the dry type, i should choose this instead.
Apply this every night and this cream is light and non-greasy. However, i do feel a tag sticky after applying it. It is bearable though.
I don’t know but it serves me well till date, also bought  this on 3rd Feb and i still have half a tub left. Forgot about the price though.
Skin is more hydrated than ever after using this.
I work in an Air Conditioned environment and i sleep in Air Con w/o fail everynight. Even in Gym, i am doing my workout in a dry environment because it is A/C. Basically, i stay in an A/C room for more than 20hrs a day. Thus, this product is extremely useful for me.


IMG_20130719_6I find that i m applying lesser and lesser coverage like BB cream/ foundation after using the Hada Labo Products. There is no need to!
Also, as the skin is very smooth, applying make up seems so much easier.
Above pictures are taken under warm lighting, with minimal make up and non edited/ non filtered.

Just to show the comparison between non filtered and a filtered picture, the picture below is the same as the one above, but it is  filtered to make the skin looks exceptionally good. HAHA! 


Ok…Before you guys fall asleep, i am gona introduce the last product on the list!

yhvfh (1)

3)  Hada Labo’s latest Retinol Lifting + Firming Cream

I reckon  this as a “Must Have”, especially when you are over your teens. It comes in a light, non-greasy texture that infuses the skin with continuous hydration. Ever since i got this, i use  this every alternate days, on days i am not using this, i will be using the HADA LABO SHA Hydrating Cream.

I was taught by the friendly HADA LABO consultant that it is not wise to combine the 2 as the skin might not be able to take it as it will be extremely hydrating. Thus, i was advised to use it alternatively.

To be fair, i feel that my face was never saggy, thus i do not know how to judge the result for this lifting and firming cream. To be honest, the skin is not loose, but whether it is the result of using the firming cream, i cant be sure.
I will continue using this though, till i decide to try out some others that might really help to slim the face, other than botox.


Just in case you are as confused as i am, i thought you would like to know about the differences between the Red and White Series of HADA LABO.

Screen shot 2011-04-14 at PM 04.30.45 9387

I was also told that the RED series of Firming products actually has the same Hydrating effects as the White series. However, the RED series are more suitable for ladies age 30 and above and the RED series actually emphasize more on Firming and Lifting.
As for me, i prefer to do prevention now since i am so near the big 3. Thus, i started using the firming cream and i bought the Hada Labo Retinol Lifting + Firming Lotion for my Mum.

jhbjSo that is all for now and i hope this blogpost help some of you who are as lazy as me or those who are new to skincare! I dont usually blog much about such stuff as my blog is more random, i blog mostly about what happened in my life and most of the time, they are not really happening events.

Haha, i always feel that sharing is good, and if it is something worth sharing, i definitely would. If it is not, i wont write a bit even if i am paid to. Thus i am not your celebrity blogger nor beauty blogger. Just like you, i am a simple commoner that wants to look good and live good!

Hope you like what you read and before i end this post, i am having good hair day today, and good skin (as always :P) thus i will post some non filtered pictures, under warm lighting. (taken just 5mins ago!) You can judge the skin for yourself but Dont be too hard on me, the skin might not be flawless but i am really thankful for it, especially when i am not spending a bomb or much time and efforts on it!

